Syncrosome as a preclinical CRO focused on efficacy studies, has a strong expertise in Central Nervous System (CNS) preclinical efficacy data with a focus on Parkinson’s disease, Stroke and Microdialysis. We have developed animal models combined with behavioral tests, neuro-protection and neuro-inflammation evaluation. These rodent models (rats or mice depending on the pathology) are fitted for testing disease-modifying drug or compounds acting on symptomatic effects. Following your needs, it is possible to perform classical, IntraCerebroVentricular (ICV) or Intranasal administration as well as stereotaxic surgery.
Our CNS department developed several models allowing to screen compounds or to perform an in depth characterization of your molecule’s efficacy and distribution with technics like Microdialysis and CSF sampling. One of our missions is to provide you with high content efficacy data to better anticipate clinical results. For this purpose we are able to monitor different relevant biomarkers by ImmunoHistoChemistry (Neuron counting, Striatum IHC, Substantia Nigra IHC) and also inflammatory biomarkers. Furthermore, in many CNS diseases it is crucial for the treatment to be able to pass through the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). Hence we perform in routine Central Nervous System Pharmacokinetics (CNS-PK) studies, which can be coupled with Pharmacodynamics studies to explore PK/PD relation.